
Wise (Transferwise): Review and Promo code

Wise (TransferWise): I have been using TranferWise since early 2017. When I signed up for TranferWise it was a relatively smaller company that still had a very good UI and did a good job transferring my money. At the moment, they have renamed themselves to be Wise and are creating a lot of exciting products for the customers. Even though there are a lot of competitors to them at the moment, I still hold Wise (TransferWise) to the best among them.  They are constantly innovating products for the customers. There were even days when Wise wrote the customers that they are increasing the price temporarily since they couldn't accommodate the fee structure back then. I liked it because they were transparent and forthcoming about what they are offering to the customers.  Pros: English-based services Simple sign-up process. User-friendly UI. Cons: Withdrawals are possible but are usually charged at the German ATMs. Neutral: The sign-out icon on the Android app should be placed on...

N26 bank: Review and Promo codes

 N26 Bank: Promo code:  Invite code:  babuk5359 After a lot of comparisons and going through different reviews and opinions I finally decided to open an account with N26 digital bank. Guess what it is one of the amazing banks which is like a DIY (do it yourselves thing). The sign-up process is blazing fast and you will be able to get complete English-based banking services. The support is also super cool and fast. Pros: English-based services Simple sign-up process. Extremely cheap with a user-friendly UI. Cons: The number of withdrawals is limited to 3 for a free account.

Living in Germany - Munich | Promo codes

Too much stuff to open! Once you wish to settle in Germany whether it is short-term or long-term you would be forced to sign up for a variety of services and utilities.   A promo code is always a beneficial thing that would give you an initial motivation. Recently, I shared a lot of recommendations with many of my friends and shared my promo codes too. After some thought, now I finally decided that I will publish my promo code so it is beneficial for me.  Come let's help each other ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰   

Study in Germany - Munich

If you would like to study in Germany but longing for an initial guidance from a person, I would like you by sharing my experience with you and I guess it would be helpful for you. You can check the next page "Study in Germany" available in the top of this page or click the following link: All the best for your career !!!